Tuesday, August 9

a letter i wrote for Heidi Tullman's newsletter

"To the people who were apart of the best year of my life, I wish it could of been longer, but all things have to come to an end. I still haven't quite figured out what made the time at Capernwray so unique and special. It seems more and more that way the farther away we get. i guess that's what happens when you throw a goup of people into a castle for so long with a little dash of creativity and willingness to grow and experience in the mix. It was one of the most growing year in my life so far. There are things that i feel I've learned and taken away from each of you. If you know it or not you were observed and learned from by others. (mmmh. the melting pot effect. gotta love it) Since we left i haven't kept in touch with all of you, but would like too. It is just not practical. But I love recieving e-mails and will answer them, no matter what they are. (benisin@gmail.com) seriously, if you want to contact me about anything just drop me a line. i check my email after work every night. Tell me what those that you have kept in contact are doing because alot of people don't like to toot their own horn. That is part of the reason I appreciate so much Heidi putting together this newsletter. Thanks Heidi! I am not one of those that minds tooting his own horn by the way. For those of you that don't know I started training as a ballroom dance instructor when i came back to California. Sort of by chance because i wasn't planning on continuing seriously in dancing. I have now started working at an Arthur Murry studio in Costa Mesa and get paid well. I also moved out of my parents home in Bakersfield to OC (Orange County!) This has the added benefit of the beach and after Capernwray turning me into such a well rounded person it was hard to go back to taking my mom's opinions as law. Overall it was just time for me to go. The slightly less glamorous side to my life is that i am living in the corner of someone's garage with their dog (literally) as i am trying to get the money together to find a place to live. OC is expennnsssive! Another fun fact on the dark side of a coin that i call my life that many of those that hitch-hiked with me will appreciate is that I have hitch-hiked out of necessity since I have returned to the States. Not far but with completely non-English speaking Mexicans. Anyway, if any of you don't mind riding some of the ups and downs of my life with me feel free to come visit. Honestly, anyone, anytime. And if your ever curious what Ben is up to I have a blog that i try to keep current. www.true2life.blogspot.com Other than that I'm out. To All Benjamin Clark-Mitchell" if you want the newsletter contact heidi tullman


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