Wednesday, September 21

Freedom of the Christian (my freedom-no guilt?)

"'Everything is permissible' -but not everything is beneficial. 'everything is permissible' -but not everything is constructive." I Corinthians 10:23..............this is a verse that makes me think about my motives for doing things and really makes me feel the freedom of Christ. i take this verse literally which surprises me that i haven't experience (done) more stuff than i have. can we take this to the extreme? what does permissible mean?


At 22.9.05, Blogger Allison said...

Main Entry: permissible
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: allowable
Synonyms: acceptable, admissible, all right, approved, authorized, bearable, endorsed, kosher, lawful, legal, legalized, legit, legitimate, licit, OK, permitted, proper, sanctioned, tolerable, tolerated, unforbidden, unprohibited.
So. I'd say... permissible means all is tolerated but not going to bring glory to God, make Jesus smile or give you that abundant life that's available.
Do recall the context, as well. Also, keep in mind the following verse: 1Co 10:24 "People should be concerned about others and not just about themselves."
I think that makes a difference in how you decide if you should take that phrase to the extreeme.
Glad you're thinking on it. [and posting about it - edifying for us all]

At 22.9.05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ben!
I've just been meditating these verses the last few days too. I think it's important to take our role as Christians seriously and be a good image for other people. Most importantly I think is what Paul says in verse 31: ..whatever you do, do it all in the glory of God.
I love you man and btw. You got my birthday wrong. It's September 13th ;)

At 22.9.05, Blogger Benjamin said...

oh don't worry jon
i know your birthdays the 13th.
i just posted it the night before.

and about the verse.
i am glad you are both seeing it in a context and so am i. it is so wierd how it is more of a motivation for me to do what's glorifying to God when i know i could do anything if i wanted to rather than feeling guilty because i'm not able to do anything.

At 1.10.05, Blogger Leslie Puiras said...

I've done soo much thinking on the bus and how being a drifter has like.. ripped the wrapping paper off of those verses.. Ben, if you can find the time and a small amount of money, I'll take you on a low-budget adventure where you hitch and camp in strangers backyards!! I am planning another adventure for this coming summer.... Heh? Heh?!! ^^


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