Sunday, October 23

  • i tried to design a video game when i was younger. this is one of many maps and a charater from another game. mushroom cities, thieves, giant spiders, tree houses, ancient ruins, a young heroine and a cute girl. the whole bit. 'Quest for Audlin'
  • now you know what video game deprived children do. they make there own. how's that for a little looksey into the childishness that made me
  • the fact that i still have them and hold them close to my heart should tell you something too


    At 24.10.05, Blogger ° ÐãVeØ ° said...

    Did you base this character on your mum?
    J slash K.

    At 24.10.05, Blogger Josh said...

    Ben I didn't know you could draw?

    At 24.10.05, Blogger Benjamin said...

    well that was a long time ago.

    At 24.10.05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    aw wow, i remember long nights with Mario Bros 3 on the original Nintendo in the early 90s! Oh, that was amazing.

    oh, your family looks wicked country... its like a picture of southern people except they are from Cali!

    At 24.10.05, Blogger Janice said...

    wow...that girl has freakishly long legs! i'm envisioning her trying to drive. she puts the seat back really far to get her knees under the steering column but to her dismay she can't reach the wheel from that far back...what a dilemma. nah i'm just kidding they're cute drawings.


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