Monday, November 14

a moose story beats a deer story any day

i got this email from my cousin yesterday.

the woman driving survived with only a broken wrist.

and for all you not so quick as the rest of us "yes, the moose is dead"


At 14.11.05, Blogger Benjamin said...

oh my gosh ben
that's so amazing

At 14.11.05, Blogger Janice said...

that is so SCARY!! how could she have survived with only a broken wrist? HOW! she should be dead!!

At 14.11.05, Blogger Josh said...

I've eaten moose. Taste good.

At 14.11.05, Blogger Beth said...

that is by far the weirdest thing I've seen in a long time. I'm with Janice, that chick should be toast!

At 14.11.05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

riad triping?

At 14.11.05, Blogger Leslie Puiras said...

hahaha beats a deer story... I'll beat YOUR deer story..

At 15.11.05, Blogger ° ÐãVeØ ° said...

That is incredible!
Absolutely brilliant!
You guys are right. The woman should be dead. Unless...
...she planned it!!!!
Ok, maybe not.

At 15.11.05, Blogger Court said...

that's why we say you can hit a deer but move if it's a moose.
Moose dose taste good

At 17.11.05, Blogger Megs said...

*tear* i felt the need to shed a tear for the wee moose...i mean the flippin huge beast! *ahem* that sucks!


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