Saturday, February 25


i preform tomorrow for a few hundred people. A swing rountine with Liz (Tinker Bell) and a Country Waltz with Melissa (a girl from another studio. pray for me because i'm feeling slightly nervous. i don't expect to mess up because we've been practicing like crazy but i just want it to be really good. we recorded ourselves to see what we look like and i was disapointed. God's in control. i'll be happy either way.

other excitement. Natasha Friedrichsen is flying into LAX this Friday from Canada. we're going to spend the weekend with my family before she goes to Cal Baptist University. Yeah, Capernwray friends!


At 26.2.06, Blogger ° ÐãVeØ ° said...

I'm praying for you man!
Oh, did anyone remember watching Jon Bryant's High School DVD at T-Hof and unexpectedly seeing Natasha Friedrichsen in it? That was weird.


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