Tuesday, April 25

"Love, and do what you like." ~Saint Augustine


At 25.4.06, Blogger Justin N said...

hmm. there is something about that that is just a little off... Yes, god gave us life- eat drink be merry, fear the lord, but if you are really gonna try to find true purpose you should Love, and do what god wishes you to do... not to sound cliche... but just a thought. Hey, are you going to Chazbecca's wedding!?

At 25.4.06, Blogger Benjamin said...

It's a quote, Justin
i didn't say it was Biblical just because he's got 'Saint' before his name.

I want to go but i don't know when there wedding is and if i'm invited

At 25.4.06, Blogger Pamela Joy said...

Isn't the quote "Love God, and do what you like?" maybe not, I'd heard it said that way before but I could be wrong.
If you get an invitation in the mail then you're invited, but they were sadly not able to invite as many people as they'd have liked cuz space is limited.

At 26.4.06, Blogger Benjamin said...

i like the quote that way much better.

bummer, i guess i didn't get an invite then


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