Thursday, April 13

the wall that seperates the present from the future has felt so thin that i can almost dream upon waking.

i think i've shed tears more often in the last couple of days than i have in the near past. they have not been tears from a certain emotion but more like those tears that come when you're just overwhelmed by all of your emotions. like crying with a smile on.


At 14.4.06, Blogger Janice said...

hm. that guy looks about how i feel right now.

At 14.4.06, Blogger Josh said...


At 14.4.06, Blogger Beth said...

isn't "dream upon walking" the name of a song off the Amélie soundtrack?

At 15.4.06, Blogger Benjamin said...

very true

and jeff said Thoreau said this first in Walden.

At 19.4.06, Blogger shinbone #4 said...

Sigh... I get it. I'm sorry I do, but I do nonetheless


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