Tuesday, August 1

Love is friendship set on fire. Jeremy Taylor


At 6.8.06, Blogger Leslie Puiras said...

BEN! what are you up to?? Email me or something, but i'd love to know where you're at.


At 6.8.06, Blogger Court said...

pictures.... I want pics and video from this week. Hope you had a safe drive and didn't damage the YARIS anymore.

At 10.8.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BEN! what are you up to?? Email me or something, but i'd love to know where you're at.

At 10.8.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just one look at you can set this heart of mine on fire.

At 10.8.06, Blogger Unknown said...

Ben... I miss you!! Hope you and the little indians survived!! I took Elin to the airport this morning and she just called from detroit... they wouldn't let her drink water on the plane with all the crazy terrorist stuff!! Loco times ten! We decided one of our fav moments of our so-cal trip was our short roadtrip with you!!

At 10.8.06, Blogger shinbone #4 said...

awww... that's so nice...
it is crazy about all the security. But isn't it amazing they caught those guys in time! Praise God for that.


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