Wednesday, January 11

we just had christmas the other night

and Ken is planning on going to capernwray.

i think if anyone wasn't to go with me over to Europe spring break 07 it would be great fun


At 11.1.06, Blogger Unknown said...

i would just like to say...

i miss Benjamin Jacob Clark-Mitchell.

At 11.1.06, Blogger Court said...

hook me up..... eurpoe?

At 12.1.06, Blogger ° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Europe. Been there, 20 years.
Just to clarify, you mean, '...if anyone WAS to go...' right?
Sounds good to me.
And whomever attends Capernwray with Ken is one lucky group!

At 12.1.06, Blogger Benjamin said...

Let me clarify one point.
Ken is not me.

but one thing is sure,
whoever is at Capernwray is going to get more than there expecting. go ken.

At 15.1.06, Blogger Beth said...

I've never met Ken, but so far he sounds like Ben reincarnated, which means that that group of Capers kids is in for a treat. Ben, instruct him on how to fit people into a phone booth and how to construct human pyramids. Course, he probably already knows how. I just imagined Ben's large family constructing a pyramid with the youngest ones on top.

At 16.1.06, Blogger Benjamin said...

I'll teach him the ways of the Blooping instructor


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