Thursday, March 2


i'm about done with dealing with all these self-absorbed, materialistic people in OC. or at least the ones i have to deal with. i'm starting to be more and more like that and i don't like it. i'm ready to go back to one pair of jeans for 9 months with stitched holes and Liana's signature flower embroidery, £5 in my pocket, and sleeping in my sleeping bag every night (wait, i still do that last one). but you get my point. all these things and feelings that distract me from my purpose.

Ken and i thought of starting our own clothing company called Bare Necessities. the logo was going to be a sketch of a guy running and just a fig leaf. that's what i want. the Bare Necessities of life. (side note): ask Ken sometime the story that goes with how we came up with this idea because i've blocked it from my memory.


At 2.3.06, Blogger Josh said...

I like it. sell only black and white shirts, blue jeans, underwear, and shoes.

At 2.3.06, Blogger Benjamin said...

ha ha
yeah. relly expensive black and white shirts, blue jeans, underwear, and shoes.

underwear with a fig leaf printed on the front. that alone is a good ideal.
we can make em just like our Blooping Instructor shirts, Josh


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